<script type="typescript">
import type { VersionDependency } from '../../../../../types/crate';
* The dependency to show
export let dependency: VersionDependency;
* CSS classes to apply to the outer div drawn by this component.
let clazz = '';
export { clazz as class };
* Extracts the "organisation" part of an SSH url if one exists, otherwise returns the
* full URL. This currently assumes that all dependencies with an SSH URI are dependencies
* local to this instance of chartered, but that's not always the case.
function getLocalDependencyOrganisation(): string | undefined {
const s = dependency.registry?.split('/');
return s ? s[s.length - 1] : dependency.registry;
<div class={clazz}>
{#if dependency.registry === 'https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index'}
<a href={`https://crates.io/crates/${dependency.name}`} target="_blank">
{:else if dependency.registry?.indexOf('ssh://') === 0}
<a href={`/crates/${getLocalDependencyOrganisation()}/${dependency.name}`} target="_blank">
= "{dependency.req}"